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Great Ocean Road, Twelve Apostles and Cape Otway Touring and 4wd

Great Ocean Road, Twelve Apostles and Cape Otway Touring and 4wd

The Great Ocean Road offers a relaxing and inspiring journey along coastal scenery.  Inland you are met with tall foresets, fern gullies and cascading waterfalls.  This is a drive that outdoes any.


We set off from Melbourne, Victoria and headed down the coast where we stopped at Bells Beach for breakfast.  As we hit the Great Ocean Road we found ourselves stopping every 300m at the towns and lookouts that are dotted along the coast.  Every turn opens a grand view with more scenery and picturesque views.

One of the best places for heading off road along this journey is found around the Cape Otway area.  Most of the tracks are easy and are gravel graded unsealed roads.  Starting from Anglesea, you will see beautiful coastal views with many campsites and picnic grounds before travelling inland.  Mountain forests and fern gullies make way for stunning waterfalls at Erskine Falls and Triplet Falls.

Cape Otway offers the site of the oldest surviving lighthouse on the Australian mainland.  You'll also see the 1891 shipwreck of the WB Godfrey.  Be aware, the lighthouse does cost money to go in and view.

On the drive to the lighthouse off the Great Ocean Road you'll discover many trees filled with Koalas.  This is the perfect opportunity to stop and view the native Australian wildlife.  Many Koalas will be low enough in the branches to photograph.

Travelling further, the Great Ocean Road will unfold to reveal the rock formations making up the Twelve Apostles and surrounding scenery.  These stunning rock monoliths that protrude from the ocean are a sight not to be missed.